Breaking into Putin's censor fortress
(Firstly, feel free to copy this whole page because you never know if/when it's going to be taken down by Putin's bots! Also, sorry for the terrible design, this is made in haste :) )
To everybody outside Russia who is sitting in front of the computer and has no other way to help Ukraine!
To everybody inside Russia who wishes to spread information, stop the war, save lives and, yes, save Russia!
Russian citizens are under information blockade. Yes, we are aware that most of them don't care, but the more information leaks inside, the more it will mean to the people. A massive information flood is needed.
Below is an example of the text that you can share on a lot of places. If you don't like it, feel free to make your own. If you think something is wrong with it, let us know.
Western internet folk: copy the text in Russian below and paste it on literally every place you can find or think of:
* Russian news comment sections
* Russian forums
* Russian Facebook and Vkontakte pages
* movie review sites
* restaurant review sites
go to Google Maps, find places in Russia where there are reviews (restaurants, cinemas, entertainment, anything) and paste it
* renting places (such as or Airbnb, but in Russia)
* whatever you can think of (if you think of something new, let us know so that we can add it to the list)
Flood and spam everything, everywhere. Russian people are under informational blockade, they don't know to what extent their children are dying nor do they know what is really happening in Ukraine, most of the time. Yes, some don't care, but some do and will care more the more truth is slammed into their faces and shoved down their throats.
People in Russia: Here is a PDF pamphlet. Print it out and leave everywhere: at markets, bus stations, park benches, tape it to streetlights (but don't get caught!) Spread the word.
Everybody: This needs to
be massive or it won't work. We need overflow, saturation, redundancy!
Whatever place you can think of, stick it there. If you can make one
additional person see it, do it.
Друзья! Мы не хотим войны. Путин напал на мирную страну Украину.Ваши дети умирают за диктатора. Это не просто военная операция, погибли уже тысячис обеих сторон, бомбят города, весь мир сплотился против России — и все из-за безумия одного человека!Интернет переполнен фотографиями и видеозаписями десятков уничтоженных танков и броневиков. Обстрелам подвергается мирное население. Это полномасштабная война, в то время, как ваши СМИ нагло лгут. Ищите внешние независимые источники информации!Правительство Украины создало веб-сайт, на котором можно найти сведения о погибших и взятых в плен русских пацанов: и Но Россия заблокировала его, ваша власть не хочет, чтобы вы знали правду.Нет ненависти к русским. Проблема всего в одном человеке — Путине. Его необходимо остановить, пока еще не слишком поздно!
Friends! We don't want war. Putin attacked Ukraine, a peaceful nation.Your children are dying for a dictator. This is not a limited operation, thousands have already died, cities are bombed and the world is uniting against Russia, all because of one man's lunacy!Internet is full of pictures and videos of tens of destroyed tanks and armoured vehicles. Thousands have died on both sides. Civilian areas are being bombarded. This is a full-scale war and your media is lying to you. Look for outside sources!Ukarinian government has created a web site where you can find information about dead and captured Russian boys, but Russia has blocked it, they don't want you to know the truth: and hates Russian people, it's all about Putin. He needs to be stopped before it's too late!
For example:
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